Ijeoma Okoli - 2025

My friend, Lolu.

Just as I was settling in, it hit me! All was not well with the world because what was that smell!
My friend, Lolu.

My not so humble brag is that good people know how to find me.

Knowing very well that one of my many flaws is that I want to be left alone, 95% of the time, I always appreciate that my friends have mastered the art of leaving me alone while being there. Amazing people, I tell you.

Speaking about flaws, another one is that I am too sensitive to smell, I would shed real tears if faced with a pungent smell…and that’s how I met Lolu. No, he wasn’t the one smelling.

I found my way to my window seat on the Air Peace flight to Abuja on this fateful day. This was two years ago. I sat down, feeling good about the journey ahead. I’d been subcontracted to deliver a top industry event, and I always love when I’m called to put my signature on projects. I live for it! The project was big, the main contractor was playing ball, client was excited, all was well with the world!

I’d also downloaded an e-book that I was going to read during the flight. Earphones and books usually do the trick of telling people that you’d rather be left alone.

Just as I was settling in, it hit me! All is not well with the world because what is that smell!

E ba mi o.

A weird* (I’m polite so I’m not going to say pungent odour) was coming from someone who was sitting just in front of me.

Yeeh! Aye mi! Warris this plis?

I’m shooketh. I kept staring at the back of his head because what was I supposed to do? Imagine my misery when he gently adjusted the AC vent so that it’s blowing (his) air right into my face.

Please murder me now.

You know me, I start making excuses for him and telling myself, it’s possible he has been traveling for a long time and haven’t showered. It’s less than an hour flight so I can bear it.

I could not bear it.

I got the attention of the flight attendant, categorically stated the problem was and told him how I was not going to be alive by the time the flight landed if something was not done.

That’s how I met Lolu.

He’d been watching my struggle, and when I finally settled into my new seat, which was beside him, he offered a smile.

Wooh, nobody should smile at me. I’m already in pain.

I brought out my phone to read that e-book that I had downloaded and noticed that Lolu had an actual book. An old novel. Reminded me of the old used books that I used to buy from Yaba market years ago.

I used to be obsessed with romance novels, and with a few bucks and a half, I could buy loads of old novels, brown with age and poor storage.   I lived in those books.

Thinking about it now, burying your nose in a book has never been an efficient “do not talk to me” signal. Remember Mikeey from NYSC camp?

Old books. Back to Lolu.

Hi I’m Lolu.

I offer a smile but not my name.

I’m just recovering from a trauma to the nose. Please give me space.

Sorry about your experience.

Now I have to say something. I’m not a rude person.

Thank you.

What’s your name.

It’s Ijeoma.

Now I have to engage. Because again, I’m not a rude person.

But we had the most amazing time discussing the books we read and all our favoruite authors and publishers.

Lolu knows books. He’s an avid reader. And what else do we have in common? Perfumes. He loves perfumes as well. We spent the second half of the journey discussing perfumes and which ones we were exploring at the time.

I told him my “Eau de Confuse joke”. It’s always a hit so I was rewarded with a hearty laugh. Out of habit, even after having a fanstastic conversation with someone on a flight, I always run out first so that we can avoid the awkward goodbyes.

I ran.

While waiting for my bag, Lolu offered a ride into town. He’s resident in Abuja and had a driver waiting.

Hah, when they are kidnapping people upandan. It’s not me o.

I’d mentioned that I was going to Wuse so now he wants to drive me to town. I politely declined. He politely insisted that it was no trouble.

Me that I don’t like explaining myself too much, I got my bag, noticed that he was a bit distracted, and I ran. My usual airport cab driver was already on standby.

Later, I would learn that he was watching me flee like I was being pursued and decided to let me be.

Lolu has been an amazing friend and I feel blessed that good people always find me.

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